kala, ada sepasang Raja dan Ratu yang berbahagia, karena setelah bertahun-tahun
lamanya, akhirnya Ratu melahirkan seorang Puteri.
Raja dan Ratu mengundang tujuh
peri untuk datang dan memberkati Puteri yang baru saja lahir itu.
acara megah yang diselenggarakan sebagai penghormatan kepada para peri itu,
masing-masing peri memberikan berkat kepada sang Puteri.
pertama mengatakan “Kamu akan menjadi Puteri tercantik di dunia.”Peri kedua
mengatakan “Kamu akan menjadi seorang Puteri yang periang.”Peri ketiga
mengatakan “Kamu akan selalu mendapatkan banyak kasih sayang.”Peri keempat
mengatakan “Kamu akan dapat menari dengan sangat anggun.”Peri kelima mengatakan
“Kamu akan dapat bernyanyi dengan sangat merdu.” Peri keenam mengatakan “Kamu
akan sangat pintar memainkan alat musik.”
- tiba datang peri tua ke tengah acara itu. Ia sangat marah karena tidak
diundang. Semua orang memang sudah lama tidak pernah melihat peri tua itu, dan
mengira bahwa ia sudah meninggal atau pergi dari kerajaan itu.
tua yang marah itu mendekati sang Puteri dan mengutuknya “Jarimu akan tertusuk
jarum pintal dan kamu akan mati!” dan kemudian peri tua itu pun menghilang.
Semua orang sangat terkejut. Ratu
pun mulai menangis.
ketujuh mendekati sang Puteri dan memberikan berkatnya “Aku tidak bisa
membatalkan kutukan, tapi aku dapat memberikan berkatku supaya Puteri tidak
akan mati karena terkena jarum pintal, melainkan hanya tertidur pulas selama
seratus tahun. Setelah seratus tahun, seorang Pangeran tampan akan datang untuk
dan Ratu merasa sedikit lega mendengarnya. Mereka lalu mengeluarkan peraturan
baru bahwa di kerajaan itu tidak boleh ada alat pintal satu pun. Mereka menyita
dan menghancurkan semua alat pintal yang ada di kerajaan itu demi selamatan
sang Puteri. Pada suatu hari disaat Puteri berusia 18 tahun, Raja dan Ratu
pergi sepanjang hari.
kesepian, sang Puteri berjalan-jalan menjelajahi istana dan sampai di sebuah
loteng. Disana ia menjumpai seorang wanita tua yang sedang memintal benang
menggunakan alat pintal. Karena belum pernah melihat alat pintal, sang Puteri
sangat tertarik dan ingin mencoba.
tua itu sebenarnya adalah peri tua jahat yang dulu mengutuknya. Saat sang
Puteri mencoba alat pintal itu, ia pun dengan sengaja menusukkan jarum pintal
ke tangan sang Puteri.
Puteri jatuh tak sadarkan diri dan tertidur karena terkena kutukan. Peri tua
jahat tertawa puas dan menghilang dalam kegelapan.
Raja dan Ratu kembali, mereka dan seluruh pegawai kerajaan kebingungan mencari
sang Puteri. Saat mereka menemukannya, Raja tersadar bahwa kutukan peri tua
jahat telah menjadi kenyataan. Sang Puteri lalu dibawa ke kamarnya dan dibaringkan
di tempat tidurnya. Raja lalu mengirimkan kabar mengenai peristiwa itu ke peri
ketujuh yang baik hati.
Peri ketujuh yang baik hati lalu
bergegas ke istana. Ia memutuskan untuk menidurkan semua orang di kerajaan itu
supaya kelak saat kutukan sang Puteri berakhir mereka semua akan bangun
waktu singkat pohon-pohon besar dan semak belukar yang lebat dan berduri tumbuh
di seluruh wilayah kerajaan, sehingga sangat sulit bagi siapapun untuk
menerobosnya. Bahkan puncak-puncak istana pun hanya dapat terlihat ujungnya
saja. Karena menjadi sangat tertutup, sang Puteri dan seluruh kerajaan menjadi
aman, walaupun mereka semua tertidur.
masa seratus tahun berakhir, seorang Pangeran tampan yang kebetulan sedang
berburu di dekat wilayah kerajaan itu melihat pucuk-pucuk istana itu. Ia sudah
banyak mendengar cerita tentang kerajaan itu, antara lain tentang istana yang
dianggap berhantu, para penyihir, dan cerita-cerita lain yang sangat menyeramkan
yang sebenarnya tidak benar.
Karena penasaran, saat kembali
dari berburu sang Pangeran mencari orang tua yang paling bijaksana dan pintar
di kerajaan untuk menanyakan tentang kerajaan tetangga yang penuh misteri itu.
tua yang bijaksana itu lalu bercerita bahwa menurut leluhurnya, di dalam istana
di kerajaan yang misterius itu terbaring seorang Puteri yang paling cantik di
dunia, yang tertidur karena terkena kutukan dari peri tua jahat. Sang Puteri
akan terus tidur hingga ada seorang Pangeran yang datang untuk membangunkannya.
tampan yang pemberani itu lalu bergegas berangkat menuju kerajaan misterius
itu. Ia berniat untuk menyelamatkan sang Puteri. Sang Pangeran berjuang
menembus semak belukar dan pepohonan untuk dapat mencapai kedalam wilayah
kerajaan yang misterius itu.
disana, ia melihat banyak sekali orang dan hewan peliharaan yang terbaring
dimana-mana. Tetapi mereka tidak mati, sepertinya mereka hanya tertidur sangat
nyenyak. Pangeran lalu masuk ke dalam istana. Disana ia pun melihat seluruh
pegawai kerajaan yang tertidur pulas.
berjalan-jalan menjelajahi istana itu, sang Pangeran berhasil menemukan sang
Puteri di sebuah kamar. Sang Pangeran terpesona oleh kecantikan sang Puteri.
Pangeran pun berlutut dan memegang tangan sang Puteri. Saat itulah kutukan
berakhir dan sang Puteri membuka matanya. Ia menyambut sang Pangeran yang telah
lama ia tunggu dengan bahagia.
waktu yang bersamaan seluruh penghuni istana dan seluruh kerajaan terbangun.
Semak belukar dan pepohonan menghilang. Semua orang kembali mengerjakan urusan
mereka masing-masing. Raja dan Ratu juga terbangun dan segera menyambut sang
Pangeran dari kerajaan tetangga itu.
lama kemudian, sang Puteri dan sang Pangeran tampan menikah. Mereka lalu hidup
berbahagia selamanya.
1. Tekad
keras seorang pemuda yang bekerja keras berbuah kebahagiaan.
Jangan mudah marah dan memiliki sifat pendendam
Jangan mudah menyerah dan takut sebelum mencoba
4. Jadilah
anak yang memiliki sifat baik budi, ramah tamah, baik, dan bijaksana
Princess Aurora
Once upon a time ,
there was a pair of king and queen were happy , because after many years ,
finally the Queen gave birth to a daughter .
King and Queen invited seven fairy princess to come and bless the newly born.
King and Queen invited seven fairy princess to come and bless the newly born.
In a magnificent
ceremony held in honor of the fairies, each fairy give thanks to the Princess.
The first fairy said " You will be the prettiest princess in the world. " fairy both said " You will be a princess jolly. " Third fairy said " You will always get a lot of affection. " fairy fourth said, "You will be able to dance very gracefully. ' fifth Pixie said : "You will be able to sing with a very melodic. "
Sixth fairy said " You would be very smart to play an instrument . "
Arrived - old elf arrived came to the middle of the show. He was very upset because it was not invited . Everyone has long had never seen the old fairy , and thought that he was dead or gone from the kingdom.
Angry old elf approached the Princess and condemned " Your finger will be pricked spinning and you will die ! " And then the old fairy disappeared.
Everyone was shocked. Queen began to cry.
The seventh fairy approached the Princess and gave his blessing " I can not undo the curse , but I can give you my blessing that Princess will not die because of a spinning needle , but only fell asleep for a hundred years. After a hundred years, a handsome prince would come to wake him up. "
King and Queen felt a little relieved to hear. They then issued a new rule in the kingdom that there should not be any loom. They seize and destroy all existing loom in the kingdom for the sake of salvation of the Princess. On a day when 18-year -old daughter, the King and Queen went throughout the day.
Because loneliness, the Princess walk around exploring the palace and got an attic. There he met an old woman who was using a spinning loom. Having never seen loom, the Princess was very interested and wanted to try.
The old woman is actually a wicked old fairy who had condemned it. When her daughter tried the loom , he intentionally spun needle into the hands of the Princess.
The daughter fell unconscious and fell asleep because of a curse. Old elf evil laugh satisfied and disappeared in the darkness.
When the King and Queen returned, they and all employees of the royal frantically looking for the Princess. When they find him, the King realized that the old evil fairy 's curse has come true. The Princess then taken to his room and laid on her bed. The king then sent word about the event to the seventh fairy kind.
The seventh fairy kind and hurried to the palace. He decided to euthanize all the people in the kingdom so that later when the curse of the Princess ends they will all wake up together.
In a short time the large trees and dense shrubs and thorny growth in all regions of the kingdom, making it very difficult for anyone to break through. Even the tops of the palace is only visible edges. Due to being very closed, the princess and the whole kingdom to be safe, even though they were all asleep.
After a period ending one hundred years, a handsome prince who happened to be hunting in the area near the royal palace saw the tops of it. He had heard many stories about the kingdom, among other things that are considered haunted castles , magicians, and other stories are very creepy that are not true.
Out of curiosity, when returning from hunting the Prince looking for parents who are most wise and clever in the kingdom to inquire about the kingdom 's mysterious neighbor.
Wise parents were then told that according to his ancestors , in the royal palace in mysterious lies a most beautiful daughter in the world, who fell asleep because of a curse from an evil old elf. The Princess will continue to sleep until there was a Prince who came to wake him up.
The first fairy said " You will be the prettiest princess in the world. " fairy both said " You will be a princess jolly. " Third fairy said " You will always get a lot of affection. " fairy fourth said, "You will be able to dance very gracefully. ' fifth Pixie said : "You will be able to sing with a very melodic. "
Sixth fairy said " You would be very smart to play an instrument . "
Arrived - old elf arrived came to the middle of the show. He was very upset because it was not invited . Everyone has long had never seen the old fairy , and thought that he was dead or gone from the kingdom.
Angry old elf approached the Princess and condemned " Your finger will be pricked spinning and you will die ! " And then the old fairy disappeared.
Everyone was shocked. Queen began to cry.
The seventh fairy approached the Princess and gave his blessing " I can not undo the curse , but I can give you my blessing that Princess will not die because of a spinning needle , but only fell asleep for a hundred years. After a hundred years, a handsome prince would come to wake him up. "
King and Queen felt a little relieved to hear. They then issued a new rule in the kingdom that there should not be any loom. They seize and destroy all existing loom in the kingdom for the sake of salvation of the Princess. On a day when 18-year -old daughter, the King and Queen went throughout the day.
Because loneliness, the Princess walk around exploring the palace and got an attic. There he met an old woman who was using a spinning loom. Having never seen loom, the Princess was very interested and wanted to try.
The old woman is actually a wicked old fairy who had condemned it. When her daughter tried the loom , he intentionally spun needle into the hands of the Princess.
The daughter fell unconscious and fell asleep because of a curse. Old elf evil laugh satisfied and disappeared in the darkness.
When the King and Queen returned, they and all employees of the royal frantically looking for the Princess. When they find him, the King realized that the old evil fairy 's curse has come true. The Princess then taken to his room and laid on her bed. The king then sent word about the event to the seventh fairy kind.
The seventh fairy kind and hurried to the palace. He decided to euthanize all the people in the kingdom so that later when the curse of the Princess ends they will all wake up together.
In a short time the large trees and dense shrubs and thorny growth in all regions of the kingdom, making it very difficult for anyone to break through. Even the tops of the palace is only visible edges. Due to being very closed, the princess and the whole kingdom to be safe, even though they were all asleep.
After a period ending one hundred years, a handsome prince who happened to be hunting in the area near the royal palace saw the tops of it. He had heard many stories about the kingdom, among other things that are considered haunted castles , magicians, and other stories are very creepy that are not true.
Out of curiosity, when returning from hunting the Prince looking for parents who are most wise and clever in the kingdom to inquire about the kingdom 's mysterious neighbor.
Wise parents were then told that according to his ancestors , in the royal palace in mysterious lies a most beautiful daughter in the world, who fell asleep because of a curse from an evil old elf. The Princess will continue to sleep until there was a Prince who came to wake him up.
Brave handsome
prince who was then rushed left for the mysterious kingdom. He intends to save
the Princess. The Prince struggled through the bush and trees to be able to reach
into the mysterious kingdom.
When he got there, he saw a lot of people and pets are lying everywhere. But they do not die, they just seem to fall asleep so soundly. Prince and into the palace. There he saw the whole civil service is fast asleep.
When he got there, he saw a lot of people and pets are lying everywhere. But they do not die, they just seem to fall asleep so soundly. Prince and into the palace. There he saw the whole civil service is fast asleep.
After a walk to
explore the castle, the Prince managed to find her daughter in a room. The
Prince was fascinated by the beauty of the Princess. Prince was kneeling and
holding the hand of the Princess. That's when the curse ended and the Princess
opened her eyes. He welcomed the Prince that he had a long wait to be happy.
At the same time all the inhabitants of the whole royal palace and awakened . Shrubs and trees disappeared. Everyone went back about their business respectively. The king and queen also awoke and immediately welcomed the prince of the neighboring kingdom.
Shortly thereafter , the princess and marry a handsome prince. They then live happily forever.
At the same time all the inhabitants of the whole royal palace and awakened . Shrubs and trees disappeared. Everyone went back about their business respectively. The king and queen also awoke and immediately welcomed the prince of the neighboring kingdom.
Shortly thereafter , the princess and marry a handsome prince. They then live happily forever.
Moral value :
1. Determination hard a young man who works
hard to fruition happiness.
2. Do not short-tempered and has a vindictive nature
3. Do not easily give up and scared before trying
4. Be a child who has a good nature of the mind, warm-hearted, kind, and thoughtful
2. Do not short-tempered and has a vindictive nature
3. Do not easily give up and scared before trying
4. Be a child who has a good nature of the mind, warm-hearted, kind, and thoughtful
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